Name change

You want to change your name? Then there are a few things to consider. Here is the info about it.

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If you want to change your name officially, there must be a reason for it. There are differences between first names and surnames. Here you can find out which reasons come into question and which documents you need for this.

If you want to change your name in the course of a marriage, partnership or divorce , please contact the Service Unit Registry office and citizenship - Marriage

If you want to change the surname of your child after birth, please contact the Service Unit Registry office and citizenship - Birth

How can I change my surname?

For what reasons can I change my surname?

If you want to change your family name or surname, there must be a reason. Here you will find the most common reasons for a name change. If you need more detailed information, please contact the Service Unit Registry office and citizenship - Name change unit Service Unit Registry office and citizenship - Name change

The terms family name and surname are used interchangeably below:

  • Your surname seems ridiculous or offensive.
  • Your surname is difficult to pronounce or spell.
  • You are of foreign origin and want a surname that makes it easier for you to be recognized in your home country. This application for a name change must be submitted within two years of acquiring Austrian citizenship.
  • You want a surname that you previously used by right.
  • The minor applicant should be given the surname of the person who has custody of him/her or whose permanent care he/she is in.
  • You want a different surname ("preferred name") for other legal reasons.

Resumption of a former surname

  • After a marriage is divorced, former spouses do not automatically take their former last name.
  • If you have taken the surname of your spouse, you can use this name in another marriage. Even your new spouse can take this surname.
  • If you want to take a former surname again, you must apply for a readoption of the former surname. To do so, please contact the Service Unit Registry office and citizenship - Marriage.

After the divorce, the children from the marriage also keep the name determined at the time of the marriage.

If you were married before 2013 and would now like to adopt a double name in an ongoing marriage, or another surname that you had before the marriage, this is possible through an old case determination. Again, it is best to contact the Service Unit Registry office and citizenship - Marriage

How can I change my first name?

For what reasons can I have my first name changed?

To change your first name, you must have one of the legal reasons listed here:

  • The previous first name seems ridiculous or offensive.
  • The previous first name is difficult to pronounce or write.
  • You are of foreign origin and want a first name that makes it easier for you to be recognized in your home country. This application for a name change must be submitted within two years of acquiring Austrian citizenship.
  • You want a first name that you were previously entitled to use.
  • You wish to have a different first name ("preferred name") for other legal reasons.
  • The underage adopted child is to be given a different first name(s) than the one given to him/her at birth. This application for a change of name must be submitted within two years of an adoption or the acquisition of Austrian citizenship.
  • After changing your religious affiliation, you wish to receive a first name with a special relationship to your current religious community or to change a first name with a special relationship to your former religious community. This application must be submitted within two years of the change of religious affiliation.
  • The first name does not correspond to your gender.

What documents do I need?