
Information on public underground parking garages, short-term parking zones, parking streets, cell phone parking, park & ride and parking cards for residents, people with walking disabilities or business owners.

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An overview of all parking facilities and public transport stops can be found on the city map.

Tips for parking in Innsbruck

Public underground garages

All underground garages, disabled parking spaces, parking ticket machines and bus stops are marked on the city map.

Here you can find all underground garages in Innsbruck incl. opening hours and tariffs:

Park & Ride

There are two Park & Ride services in the city of Innsbruck:

Short-term parking zones & parking streets

In the city's short-term parking zones, parking time is limited to 90 or 180 minutes. If there is no time limit, you can park for a fee either in the public underground garages or in parking streets. The city map shows you exactly in which street which zone applies with which costs and maximum parking times.

Short-term parking zones:

  • Depending on the zone, you may park for 90 or 180 minutes in the short-stay parking zones of the city of Innsbruck.
  • In the 90-minute short-stay parking zones, charges apply from Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 9.00 pm, and on Saturday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.
  • The 180-minute short-stay parking zones are subject to charges from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm.
  • The zones are marked in blue. This indicates that there is a time limit or maximum parking time. In principle, however, the markings alone do not say anything about any obligation to pay a fee; this can only be inferred from the signage.
  • Parking streets:
    • You can park on a parking street for a fee without a time limit.
    • Parking streets are marked with a "P" in a green circle and a green line. If you drive over the "P", you are in a parking street, also known as a green zone. The "P" serves - in addition to the signage - to make it easier to recognize a parking street regulation.
    • Fees are payable in the parking streets from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm.
    • In the parking streets near the following local recreation areas, parking fees must be paid seven days a week:
      • Ambras Castle
      • Hungerburg Castle
      • Kranebitten parking lot
      • Hawaii parking lot
      • in summer: Zone N (Tivoli outdoor swimming pool)
  • Zones for residents:
    • There may be parking lanes everywhere where only residents with a resident parking card are allowed to park.
    • Residents' parking lanes are mainly found in short-term parking zones.
    • They are marked with stopping and no parking signs with additional signs such as "except vehicles with parking cards for zone 'Y'".

You can find out which parking zone applies and how much the charges are in a particular street in the overview of parking zones and parking machines:

The city map shows you exactly in which street which zone with which costs and maximum parking durations apply. In addition, this information is also available on the parking ticket machines on site. You can also find the locations of the parking ticket machines on the city map.

What does the ground marking say about the parking zone?

In Innsbruck there are blue, blue dashed, white, white dashed and green marked parking spaces on public property in the street space.

Basically, all markings for stationary traffic (i.e. parked vehicles) are white and interrupted. Only in the case of temporary parking, these markings are blue. The marking, whether white, blue, solid or dashed, says nothing about a possible obligation to pay or whether these parking spaces are reserved for residents, for loading or similar. This can only be seen from the signage.

Basically, markings on the ground do not say anything about a possible obligation to pay or residents parking lanes, this is solely from the signage.

How can I pay the parking fee?

You can pay the parking fee with coins at the parking ticket machines on site or conveniently via mobile app.

Parking ticket machines

On the parking ticket machines you will find information about which zone applies with which costs and maximum parking durations. Currently, payment is only possible with coins. Please note that the machines do not have change, so they do not pay out any remaining amounts. The locations of the parking ticket machines can be found in the city map.

Parking ticket machine malfunction

If you notice a malfunction of the parking ticket machine, please contact the Service Unit Road Administration directly.


With Handyparking you can pay your parking fees conveniently and without cash. In principle, handyparking is possible in the entire city area. Billing is done by the minute. Here you will find the instructions and the operators for handyparking in Innsbruck:

Five steps to handyparking

  1. Check to see which parking apps work in Innsbruck.
  2. Follow the instructions of the parking app you have chosen.
  3. Start the parking process in your app.
  4. End parking for per-minute billing. The end of parking can also be set in advance. Attention: After the maximum parking time has expired, parking will end automatically.
  5. The charges are billed in retrospect via a monthly collective invoice.

Parking fee for electric vehicles

In Innsbruck, electric, hydrogen and hybrid vehicles are not exempt from the parking fee.

Parking permit for people with disabilities

The parking permit (according to § 29b StVO) is issued by the Social Ministry Service.

Prerequisite is the disabled person's pass with the additional entry: "Unreasonable use of public transport due to permanent mobility restriction due to a disability".

With the pass according to § 29b StVO it is allowed to get in or out of the car and to load and unload the necessary aids for people with disabilities, e.g. a wheelchair,

  • on road sections where stopping and parking is prohibited by traffic signs, as well as
  • in the second lane


  • in places where parking is prohibited by traffic signs or road markings,
  • in a short-term parking zone without time restrictions,
  • in a pedestrian zone, during the time when a loading activity may be carried out,
  • in parking spaces for disabled persons

in handicappedparking spaces.

If you have a parking permit for people with disabilities, you do not have to pay parking fees in the city of Innsbruck.

The prerequisite is that you display the ID card in the motor vehicle behind the windshield in a clearly recognizable manner when parking and that you can show it when you stop.

With a parking permit for people with disabilities, you are not allowed to park everywhere without restrictions. For example, parking in loading zones, in fire zones or in entrances and exits is prohibited even with this parking permit.

Resident parking permits

Under certain conditions, Innsbruck residents can apply for a resident parking permit and park their vehicle permanently in short-term parking zones or parking streets.

Under what conditions can I apply for a resident parking permit?

  • Your main residence in Innsbruck is located in a zone subject to charges (short-term parking zone or parking street).
  • You have a personal interest in parking in the vicinity of your main residence (e.g. for work, to look after your family)
  • You are the registered owner or lessee of a motor vehicle or use a company car privately.
  • There are no parking spaces available near your main residence or your vehicle is not suitable (gas-powered or too large for a garage).
  • You do not have another long-term parking permit as a resident. A maximum of one vehicle is permitted.

Please note

You can use your parking card to park in the entire zone indicated on the resident parking card. The parking card is not a guarantee of a free parking space or a parking space near your place of residence.

You do not need a resident parking card if you have a parking permit for people with disabilities and display it clearly behind your windshield.

What information and documents do I need to apply for a parking permit?

  • You must provide your license plate number.
  • for leased vehicles, if the registration is not in your name: leasing contract
  • for existing private parking spaces: a confirmation from your landlord, your property management company or the owner of your accommodation that there is no private parking space available in your area.

5 steps to a resident parking card

  1. You apply for the parking card using this online form. Have all the required documents ready.
  2. You choose whether the parking card is sent to you or whether you want to collect it yourself from the Citizens' Service. It can take up to 14 days to be sent to you. You will receive your resident parking card more quickly if you collect it from Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service..
  3. A link to your notification will be sent to your e-mail addressdre.
    1. This link will take you to your electronic mailbox.
    2. If no electronic mailbox of the City of Innsbruck is linked to you yet, one will be created automatically.
    3. In the electronic mailbox, you can download the notification about the resident parking permit as a PDF.
    4. The notification will indicate which amount you need to transfer to which account.
    5. If you do not receive a notification, cannot access your electronic mailbox or have other problems with the online form, you can find support here.
  4. You pay the amount stated in the notification within two weeks.
    1. with online banking
    2. in cash, by debit or credit card (MasterCard and Visa) with a copy of the decision at the Citizens' Servicedruck
  5. Depending on what you have selected in the online form, the parking card will be sent to your home or you will receive it after payment or presentation of the payment confirmation on your cell phone in the Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service

The parking card is valid for a maximum of two years. It can also be applied for a shorter period. After expiry of the parking card, it must be applied for again with all the required documents. All requirements must be met again and will also be checked again.

Where can I get help with technical problems?

If you need help with the content, please contact the Parking Space Management Department. The application can also be submitted there or at the Citizens' Service in person or by e-mail in the Service Unit Parking management.

You can find help here if you have technical problems with the online application.

Cost of the resident parking card

  • Parking fee
    • in spa parking zones per month: 6,18 Euro
    • in green parking zones per month: 6,38 Euro
  • Application (only for short term parking zones):
    • Application fee: 14,30 Euro
    • per enclosure sheet: 3,90 Euro; max. 21,80 Euro
  • Administrative fee for long-term parking permit (only for short-term parking zones):
    • for a permit duration of up to one week: 10 Euro
    • for a permit duration of up to one month: 20,00 Euro
    • for a permit period of up to two years: 60,00 Euro

Example of authorization for two years in a short-term parking zone:

148,32 (24* 6,18 Euro parking fee)

+ 14,30 entry fee

+ 60,00 administrative fee

= 222,62 Euro

What if my car does not have an I license plate?

For resident parking, the main residence must be in Innsbruck. You can only have one main residence within Austria, another one abroad is not an obstacle. However, a person with main residence in Austria may use an imported vehicle without Austrian registration for a maximum of one month. At the latest then he/she must re-register it or prove that the permanent location is not in Austria (§ 82 para. 8 KFG).

Exceptions are only made for privately used, employer-owned (company) vehicles if the employer's registered office is located in another political district or in a neighboring country. Only then is a long-term parking permit without Innsbruck license plates possible.

Parking cards for professional parking

If you need a parking permit in the city of Innsbruck in order to pursue your professional activity, it is best to contact the Service Unit Parking management by telephone They will advise you on whether you are eligible for a parking permit, what documents you need and what costs you will incur.

What are the basic requirements for professional parking?

  • Your activity takes place several times a week in an area where parking is compulsory (short-term parking zone or parking street).
  • Without a long-term parking permit, this activity would be impossible or considerably more difficult (e.g. "rolling workshop").
  • In short-term parking zones, the activity lasts longer than the maximum permitted parking time several times a week.
  • You are also the registered owner or lessee of the vehicle in question.
  • There are no parking facilities on private land near the location where the vehicle is to be parked or your vehicle is not suitable for parking (too large for garage, built-in machines used for work).

To clarify whether there are any other requirements for you to be able to apply for a parking permit, what costs you will incur and what documents you will need, please call Service Unit Parking management

Returning the parking card

If you no longer need your parking card, you can also return it and get back the parking fee you have already paid.

For the refund of the parking fee you must:

If you have lost your parking card or forgotten it in your car, which has already been sold, you must report the loss to the lost and found service or to the police and submit it with the form in the Service Unit Parking management.. or Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service.. or send it by mail.

Workshop parking card

If you have a resident parking card and your car needs to be taken to the garage for a longer period of time, you can apply for a garage parking card for a loan car.

Under what conditions can I get a garage parking card?

  • You must have a valid resident parking card for your vehicle.
  • The loan car must be made available to you by the garage where your car is being repaired.
  • The garage must confirm from when to when your car is being repaired and that you will be provided with a loan car for this period.

What documents & information are required?

  • Your original resident parking card.
  • Confirmation from the garage that your vehicle is being repaired and that a hire car will be provided.
  • You must provide the license plate number of the rental car.

Don't forget to take your resident parking card from your vehicle.

What does a garage parking card cost?

The cost of a garage parking card is 14.30 euros entry fee and 15 euros administration fee, i.e. a total of 29.30 euros. These costs are only incurred in the short-term parking zone, there are no costs in the Parkstraße.

Tip: It may be cheaper to park your rental car in a public underground parking garage for the duration of the repair.

How do I get a garage parking card?

  1. You bring the required documents to Service Unit Parking management
  2. Your original resident parking card will be deposited at the parking space management department.
  3. You pay the fees for the garage parking card.
  4. The department will issue you with a garage card for the rental vehicle for the duration of the repair. You can use this parking card to park your rental car in the specified zone for the specified period.
  5. Once the repair has been completed, you return the garage parking card to the Parking Space Management Department and receive your deposited resident parking card back.