City and Townscape Protection Act (SOG)

The City and Townscape Protection Act (SOG) not only preserves districts and buildings worthy of protection, but also promotes projects.

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Please contact the Service Unit Projects, design and townscape protection.. before any planned construction and rehabilitation measures in protected zones. and get advice about conditions and subsidies!

What is the purpose of the City and Townscape Protection Act?

Innsbruck is developing rapidly and the pressure for growth is increasing. However, cultural, aesthetic and identity-forming aspects of historically grown streets and squares should not be lost in the process. For this reason, Innsbruck is focusing on preserving districts that are special in terms of architectural culture and integrating new buildings into the established. The city of Innsbruck has designated protection zones for districts and groups of buildings of particularly high quality. Urban spaces are to be preserved in their character, architecturally designed with quality in mind, and cautiously developed further.

Street furniture also contributes significantly to the characteristic appearance of urban spaces. Therefore, the design of guest gardens, merchandise stands and woven stands shall be coordinated in agreement with the Service Unit Projects, design and townscape protection.. coordinated.

A design guide is available as support . Please contact Service Unit Projects, design and townscape protection.. in advance. on.

The protection of local heritage finds its legal framework in the Tyrolean City and Local Heritage Protection Act - SOG.

Tools of urban and site protection

What does it mean if a building is located in a protection zone?

Innsbruck has designated protection zones. In these zones, "extended approval requirements"(§ 17 SOG) and design specifications apply that go beyond the requirements of the Tyrolean Building Code. In terms of content, the SOG is essentially aimed at the townscape, which is why the design requirements primarily concern the exterior of buildings. The approval requirements are defined in § 19 SOG.

For example, the replacement of windows, the renovation of façades, the repainting of façades or the replacement of roof coverings are subject to approval. In practice, the planned measures are agreed with the responsible parties in advance.

You can find the relevant form here:

The expert advisory board is consulted for construction projects in protection zones.

What is the purpose of the expert advisory board?

As an independent expert body, the Advisory Board of Experts is the central instrument of local image protection. The advisory board must be consulted in building procedures. It consists of seven members, is made up of architects as well as representatives of the Innsbruck City Council, the Province of Tyrol, the University of Innsbruck and the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments, and meets around 25 times a year.

The advisory board deals with building inquiries, building applications, development and zoning plans as well as boundary conditions and objectives for architectural competitions in the protection zones. Specifically, these can include details such as lighting, loft conversions, or storefronts.

You can discuss or further develop projects openly and in a qualified manner with the expert advisory board in advance of the building permit process.

Please contact the Service Unit Projects, design and townscape protection.. before any planned construction and rehabilitation measures in protected zones. and get advice about conditions and subsidies!

Are there separate subsidies for buildings in protection zones?

The municipality of Innsbruck, together with the province of Tyrol, supports projects in protection zones that serve to preserve the cityscape and townscape.

Please contact the Service Unit Projects, design and townscape protection.. before any planned construction and rehabilitation measures in protected zones. and get advice about conditions and subsidies!

Who is the contact person for questions about the SOG?

The staff of the Projects, Design and Site Protection Department will be happy to advise you in advance about requirements and subsidies. Please simply make an appointment.