What projects against climate change and for adaptation are there in Innsbruck?
Innsbruck Urban Climate Analysis and Adaptation Strategies
Measures against heat
Measures that Innsbruck is taking to combat heat stress can be found here:
Energy plan: Energy autonomy 2050
At the beginning of the strategic planning there was already the Innsbruck Energy Plan from 2010, which has been updated in the meantime and aims at energy autonomy 2050 as a target scenario.
Environment and Sustainability Award of the City of Innsbruck
The City of Innsbruck announces the Environment and Sustainability Award every two years. Projects or project concepts in the field of environmental and climate protection and sustainability are in demand.
Who is allowed to submit?
- Young ideas: Children, young people, kindergartens, schools/pupils, students, apprentices, parent-child teams, etc. of the city of Innsbruck
- Seen, thought, done: citizens/private persons as well as local associations/initiatives of the city of Innsbruck
- Businesses for tomorrow: companies, institutions as well as enterprises with a branch office in the city of Innsbruck
You can easily submit your project via our online form .
Detailed information for the submission of your projects or project concepts can be found in the award guidelines. There you can also learn more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) of the United Nations.
Submissions were possible until December 31, 2023.
What is there to win?
The Environment and Sustainability Award of the City of Innsbruck is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros.
The prize money is divided among the winners in the categories Young Ideas and Seen, Thought, Made at 5,000 euros each. The category Wirtschaften für morgen does not receive any prize money, but is entitled to use the title Trägerin der Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspreis der Stadt Innsbruck 2023, as are all prize winners.
Your ideas are needed! Participation pays off in any case!
INN'F4UM - Innsbruck's Fit4Urban Mission
INN'F4UM develops measures that can make Innsbruck climate neutral by 2030. These range from renovation of existing buildings, further use of sealed areas for energy production, for example by means of photovoltaics, and increased use of infrastructure.
EU - FP 7 Project Sinfonia (2014-2020)
The Sinfonia project "Smart Cities & Communities" with more than 30 partners from eight countries has already been completed. In the city of Innsbruck, energy-saving measures were tried out in city districts. Among others, IKB gained experience in the areas of modern cogeneration, solar thermal energy, heat-cold storage, heat pumps for the use of local waste heat sources or heat supply via district heating networks. The project was handled by the Standortagentur Tirol
cool-INN & COOLYMP: Cool urban living spaces
Cool places for a cool Innsbruck. To cool down so-called heat islands, there are already two projects in the city of Innsbruck: cool-Inn & COOLYMP.
cool-INN has already been implemented by the City of Innsbruck, IKB, the University of Innsbruck and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna (BOKU). The aim was to achieve an improved quality of stay of the square and the park at the fairground in Ing-Etzel-Straße. In December 2021, the construction work was completed and already in summer 2022, the park was enlivened by numerous events (KlimaSalon).
The DDr. Alois Lugger Square (COOLYMP) in the center of the Olympic Village is also to be designed in a climate-friendly way with the involvement of the population, the local clubs and businesses. The adjacent Olympic Park will also be included in the planning. The special challenge lies in the fact that the square is completely underbuilt by an underground car park, which means that innovative ideas on the part of the population are required with the help of technical and scientific know-how. The project team consists of representatives of IIG, ISD, University of Innsbruck and the City of Innsbruck and is funded for three years as part of the project "Lighthouses for Resilient Cities 2040" of the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund. The project start date was August 1, 2022.
Traffic master plans
In the field of mobility, the city of Innsbruck focuses on the expansion of public, bicycle and pedestrian transport.
- The Cycling Master Plan 2030 has already been adopted. The goal is to increase the share of bicycle traffic to 20 percent by 2030. Measures include the expansion of a seamless network of bike paths. More info is available at: Bicycle
- The walking master plan is currently being drawn up. More information is available at: Pedestrians
- The expansion of public transport is progressing in the form of the regional railroad and the extension of the streetcar network. Encounter zones - not only in the redesign of public squares - are gradually being established. The following streetscape designs are currently on the agenda: Rennweg/Universitätsstraße, Bozner Platz, Messe suburban train stop and Gaismaierstraße.
These measures are intended to make the car superfluous as a means of transport in the city center.
Climate-smart forest
Spruce monocultures are a thing of the past. In the future, Innsbruck will rely on near-natural, hardwood-rich, deep-rooted trees. With hardwoods such as cherry, walnut, oak, elm or maple, Innsbruck's forests will be rich in structure and climate-smart. In addition, forest foresters focus on forest hygiene to reduce pests such as the bark beetle - for example, by quickly transporting useful and damaged wood out of the forest. These measures limit soil erosion, snow breakage, storm damage and pests.
Climate-neutral citymagistrat
A concept is currently being developed for a climate-neutral citymagistrat. Four fields of action are currently defined as focal points(mobility, buildings, procurement, events). An operational mobility management system is currently being developed for Magistrat with the help of external support. At the IIG, measures for climate-neutral building management are being developed.
Move-in support XL
You can find more information about the move-in assistance XL under Citizen Participation.
The e5 - municipality program is a federal and state program for energy-conscious and climate-friendly municipalities. Innsbruck has been a partner in the e5 program since December 2013 . From spatial planning and architecture to energy solutions and mobility, the program includes tried and tested energy and climate protection measures. The activities are regularly evaluated by an external commission and awarded up to five "e" - comparable to the "toques" in the catering industry. With a degree of implementation of 64.4% and thus awarded 4 "e's", Innsbruck is considered a pioneer among the provincial capitals.
The next evaluation is expected in 2022. It is already apparent that the percentages have improved further. The fourth e thus seems secure for the next evaluation as well.
To cope with climate change in Innsbruck there are cooperations between:
- the different offices (environment, forestry, traffic, housing, ...) of the Magistrat.
- the municipal holding companies IKB, IVB and IIG.
- Universities (Innsbruck, Vienna EUnivercities, Ulysseus, etc.)
Europan Innsbruck
Europan is an ideas competition through which innovative strategies for European cities are to be found and implemented. On the platform, young experts in urban, landscape and architectural planning submit their ideas. Also for Innsbruck such an idea competition for the area Innbrücke over market place up to the university bridge was implemented and numerous ideas were awarded.
Smart City
Smart cities conserve resources, strengthen cooperation and improve the quality of life.
Innsbruck as a climate alliance municipality
Innsbruck is part of a global partnership to protect the climate and has thus set itself the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by implementing climate protection measures in the areas of mobility, energy, soil, procurement and nutrition as well as climate change adaptation.