Minimum security

Mindestsicherung can be of assistance to you if you find yourself in a financial emergency as defined by the Tyrolean Mindestsicherungsgesetz (Tyrolean Minimum Income Act).

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You are in a financial emergency situation as defined by the Tyrolean Minimum Income Security Act and cannot cover your living expenses, your housing needs or the needs arising from illness with your own resources (income and assets) and the support of third parties, or cannot cover them completely? Then you can apply for minimum income support. Find out here which requirements must be met in order to apply, where you can get advice or submit the application for minimum income support, and which documents are required.

What is minimum income support?

The minimum income support is a financial support for persons in emergency situations who cannot cover their living costs with their own means (income, maintenance, pension, etc.). The minimum security is intended to ensure subsistence and housing.

According to the Tyrolean Minimum Security Act (TMSG), minimum security is to be granted to persons, among others,

  • who are in an emergency situation,
  • who are threatened by an emergency situation, if the occurrence of the emergency situation can be averted by the minimum security.

What exactly constitutes an emergency situation can be found in § 2 TMSG. For example, you are in an emergency situation if you cannot pay for your livelihood, your housing needs or the needs in case of illness, pregnancy and childbirth or for a simple funeral and cannot get any funds or help from third parties for this purpose.

What requirements do I have to meet to apply for minimum income support?

Who is entitled to minimum benefits?

  • Austrian citizens
  • Persons treated as Austrian citizens (e.g. EU citizens) if they are entitled to permanent residence in Austria under the provisions of the law on foreign nationals.

Persons who are not equivalent to Austrian citizens are only entitled to basic benefits under private law.

EU citizens who are not gainfully employed and nationals of other signatory states to the EEA Agreement and Switzerland, as well as their family members and persons pursuant to § 3 Para. 3 TMSG are not entitled to benefits during the first drei months of their stay. After the drei months have expired, these persons are only entitled to minimum benefits if they have a legal residence permit.

Where do I submit the application and receive advice?

You come to the Service Center area of City Department Social There you will receive both advice and information. At this initial point of contact, the application forms are handed out. When you hand in your application, the required documents are checked for completeness and competence (Innsbruck citizens).

Which documents do I need for the application?

  1. Application form for minimum income or application form for extension of minimum income
  2. valid photo identification
  3. Residence permit (e.g. positive asylum decision, Red-White-Red Card, etc.)
  4. Account turnover list with balance of the last three months (available at the counter of your bank) or complete account statements of the last three months
  5. in case of persons unable to work, corresponding medical certificates
  6. in the case of persons who are able to work, proof of work efforts (e.g. confirmation of AMS appointments, confirmation from companies of job interviews, etc.)
  7. for recognized refugees, proof of integration efforts (confirmation of German courses, job search if German language skills are sufficient)
  8. Income documents of the applicant as well as of persons living in the same household who are entitled to maintenance or who are obliged to pay maintenance (pay slips, AMS statements, pension statements, maintenance statements, rent subsidy, housing subsidy, sickness benefit, childcare benefit, rehabilitation benefit, etc.)
  9. Tenancy agreement and current rent specification with itemized rent and operating costs
  10. in the case of recognized refugees, proof of the amount of the basic welfare allowance
  11. other documents and proof of assets (divorce settlement, savings book, life insurance, building society savings contract, vehicle registration certificate, etc.)
  12. for EU and Swiss citizens, a registration certificate from the 4th month of residence or proof of legal residence under aliens law.


Opening hours

Service Center:

Back Office:
Monday to Friday:
8.00-12.00 and by appointment

Monday to Thursday:
7.30-12.00 and 13.00-16.00
