Identity card

An identity card serves as proof of citizenship and identity. It is popular because of its check card format.

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The ID card is an official photo ID in credit card format. It serves as proof of citizenship and identity. When traveling in the EU and the Schengen area, the ID card is valid as a travel document. It is slightly cheaper than a passport.

A travel document must be carried whenever crossing a border, even when traveling to the EU or Schengen countries. This also applies to short trips abroad. For travel outside the Schengen area you need a passport.

The identity card must be in the current name. If you change your name at the wedding, you must reapply for your identity card. Please note that for tickets (train, flight) you must indicate the name that is also in your travel document.

How do I get an identity card?

  • dreThe ID card will be sent by post to the specified address (e.g. home, place of work, passport office) within approx. five working days.
  • The ID card is valid for ten years. After that, you must apply for a new ID card.
  • If you already have an ID card and have a new one issued, the passport office must cancel the old ID card.

What documents do I need?

You may also need the following documents:

  • In the case of a name change: marriage certificate, partnership certificate and/or legally binding name change notice
  • In case of ambiguities regarding the name, the spelling of the name (e.g. ß/ss, double names), the place of birth, etc.: birth certificate, marriage certificate, partnership certificate and/or legally binding notice of name change, citizenship documents
  • If you wish to register an academic degree or the professional title of engineer:

In individual cases, additional documents may be required by the passport office. If you book an appointment online, you will receive more information about the required documents.

My travel document was stolen/lost, what to do?

If your ID card has been stolen, you need a theft report. You can get the theft report from the police.

You are abroad and your travel document was stolen? Go to the local police and file a theft report. With the report, an embassy or consulate can issue an emergency passport for your return trip.

If you lose your ID card, it is sufficient to notify the passport office of the loss when you apply for a new ID card.

How much does an identity card cost?

The fees are 61.50 euros.