I would like to take in a pet. What do I need to consider?
Before you decide to get a pet, you should ask yourself some questions:
- Are all entry requirements met for animals from abroad? (see"What do I need to consider for animals from abroad?")
- Do I have enough space, time and financial possibilities (ongoing food costs, costs for the veterinarian, etc.) to be able to guarantee a legally compliant keeping for the animal over a long period of time (several years/decades depending on the type of animal)?
- Who will take care of my pet during vacation and/or illness?
- Are all family members in agreement with the acquisition of a pet?
- Is there an allergy in a family member?
- Does my landlord agree?
What do I have to consider with animals from abroad?
You did not find what you were looking for in domestic animal shelters or domestic breeders and it should be an animal from abroad? Then please inquire in advance at Service Unit Veterinary.. what you need for a legal import. Depending on the country of origin, different requirements are necessary, among others:
- Rabies clearance certificate
- Declaration of the owner to travel
- Regulations of the Ministry of Social Affairs
- Regulations for the entry of animals from the Federal Office of Consumer Health (BAVG)
What is the specificity of acquiring a dog?
Even before you acquire a dog, you must attend a course to prove your expertise. You must be able to prove this when you register your dog. There are also other regulations and deadlines to observe.
Which animals are subject to compulsory registration?
- Reptiles/Amphibians: Notification form
- Mammals: Registration form
- Birds: registration form
- Poultry keeping: registration form
- Pig keeping: registration form
- Sheep/goat keeping: registration form
I would like to travel with my pet - what do I have to consider?
Please obtain information from the embassy/consulate of the destination country in good time before starting your journey.
The following requirements are generally to be observed:
- Chip obligation
- EU pet passport
- valid rabies vaccination
If you need a health certificate, please make an appointment in advance by phone at Service Unit Veterinary.
To enter certain countries, you need examinations with a lead time of at least three months.
How do I keep my animals in a species-appropriate manner?
The basis for any lawful animal husbandry is the Austrian Federal Animal Protection Act.
Find out here about the minimum requirements for keeping animals in accordance with the Federal Animal Protection Act.
You suspect the disregard of the animal protection law?
The Service Unit Veterinary.. is only responsible for cases in the city of Innsbruck . If the case concerns another district, please contact the official veterinarian of the respective district.
Please report your suspicion to the Service Unit Veterinary.. and provide the following information:
- Location
- Time
- Description of the incident
- Data of the person who violated the law
- Reporting party
- Contact details
The name of the person who reported the incident is not disclosed during the veterinary inspection.
Veterinary emergency service
If your pet needs help outside of your veterinarian's office hours, you can find a monthly updated list of the veterinarians on duty in Tyrol here.
Animal Disease Control
What is the Animal Disease Fund?
The Animal Disease Fund makes compensation payments in the event of animal diseases and animal losses (e.g. due to diagnostic killing) and bears costs for measures to prevent or control animal diseases and epizootics.
Who must pay the animal disease contribution?
The animal disease contribution is collected by the municipality on behalf of the province of Tyrol for the benefit of the Animal Disease Fund. In the city of Innsbruck Innsbruck, the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Dog tax.. is responsible for this.
Farmers who keep horses, cattle, goats, pigs or sheep are liable to pay the contribution.