What is stadt_potenziale?
stadt_potenziale is a funding fund initiated by the City of Innsbruck.
How often is stadt_potenziale advertised?
The call for proposals for stadt_potenziale takes place annually.
Which projects does stadt_potenziale support?
stadt_potenziale innsbruck focuses on contemporary art and cultural work. Special consideration is given to experimental projects that see art as intensive social research with an open outcome.
stadt_potenziale aims to support impulses from the independent cultural scenes and provides funding to enable artistic experimentation and cultural research.
stadt_potenziale also aims to promote cooperation and networking. Funding is provided for art and cultural projects that are primarily cross-sectoral or interdisciplinary. However, individual artists are also invited to submit projects.
Who decides on the selection of projects?
An independent, annually changing and supra-regional jury of drei experts decides on the selection of projects and the amount of funding in a publicly accessible jury meeting. The battlegroup for art nominates the jury members and ensures a balanced gender ratio and consideration of minorities. The public jury meeting will take place on September 18, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. and will be broadcast via audio livestream
Why was stadt_potenziale created?
In a dialog process between decision-makers in cultural policy, cultural officials and representatives of the independent scenes in Innsbruck, the need for a funding pot specifically tailored to the independent scenes was identified. The funding pot was then developed and put out to tender for the first time in 2008.
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Opening hours
Monday to Thursday:
8.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.00