Paul Hofhaimer Prize

The Paul Hofhaimer Prize promotes the interpretation of old master organ compositions.

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Endowment: 2,000 - 5,000 euros

  • 1. Prize: 5,000 euros
  • 2. Prize: 3,500 euros
  • 3. Prize: 2,000 euros

What is supported?

The prize promotes the interpretation of organ compositions by old masters.

The international organ competition takes place every drei year in Innsbruck. The competition is held in public in churches, with the candidates playing on historical organs.

The performances of the competition can be attended free of charge!

The Paul Hofhaimer Prize was established in 1969 to mark the 450th anniversary of the death of Emperor Maximilian I.

Who awards the prize?

City of Innsbruck

How do I apply?

You can find the application form here:

Who can apply?

  • Persons who have not yet exceeded the age limit of 35 years at the time of the competition may apply.
  • Winners of the 1st prize (the Paul Hofhaimer plaque) may not participate in subsequent competitions.
  • The number of participants is limited to 25. The organizer reserves the right to make the final selection of candidates.

What documents are required?

Registration form and registration fee

Who decides on the award?

An international jury of several experts, consisting of organists, decides on the award.

Who was Paul Hofhaimer?

Born on January 25, 1459 in Radstadt, Paul Hofhaimer was closely associated with the court life of Emperor Maximilian I. Hofhaimer served at the imperial court of Frederick III in Graz before first taking up his duties as organist at the court of Archduke Sigmund of Tyrol in 1478. Sigmund's successor, King and Emperor Maximilian I, took over Hofhaimer along with the court chapel. In his entourage he made numerous journeys through the empire to Linz, Wels, Vienna, Augsburg, Ulm, Constance, Füssen and Freiburg. Around 1509 he settled in Augsburg. After the death of his employer in 1519, the court chapel was also dissolved. Hofhaimer probably went to Passau for the time being, and in 1522 he can be found in Salzburg. Here he died in 1537 and found his last resting place in the cemetery of St. Peter.

Previous prizewinners

Die Preisträger des 20. Paul-Hofhaimer-Wettbewerbs: 1. Platz: Alberto Gaspardo, 2. Platz: Susanna Soffiantini sowie die beiden Drittplatzierten Giulia Ricci und Giulio De Nardo gemeinsam mit den Jurymitgliedern Wolfgang Zerer, Pieter van Dijk, Magdalena Hasibeder, Jörg-Andreas Bötticher, Vorsitzender Reinhard Jaud und Brett Leighton.

The winners of the 20th Paul Hofhaimer Competition: 1st place, Alberto Gaspardo (l.), 2nd place, Susanna Soffiantini (3rd from l.) as well as the two Drittplatzierten Giulia Ricci (5th from l.) and Giulio De Nardo (6th from l.) together with jury members (from l. to r.), Wolfgang Zerer, Pieter van Dijk, alena Hasibena.) and Giulio De Nardo (6th from left) together with the jury members (from left to right), Wolfgang Zerer, Pieter van Dijk, Magdalena Hasibeder, Jörg-Andreas Bötticher, Chairman Reinhard Jaud and Brett Leighton.© Stadt Innsbruck/FB

Die Preisträger des 20. Paul-Hofhaimer-Wettbewerbs: 1. Platz: Alberto Gaspardo, 2. Platz: Susanna Soffiantini sowie die beiden Drittplatzierten Giulia Ricci und Giulio De Nardo gemeinsam mit den Jurymitgliedern Wolfgang Zerer, Pieter van Dijk, Magdalena Hasibeder, Jörg-Andreas Bötticher, Vorsitzender Reinhard Jaud und Brett Leighton.

The winners of the 20th Paul Hofhaimer Competition: 1st place, Alberto Gaspardo (l.), 2nd place, Susanna Soffiantini (3rd from l.) as well as the two Drittplatzierten Giulia Ricci (5th from l.) and Giulio De Nardo (6th from l.) together with jury members (from l. to r.), Wolfgang Zerer, Pieter van Dijk, alena Hasibena.) and Giulio De Nardo (6th from left) together with the jury members (from left to right), Wolfgang Zerer, Pieter van Dijk, Magdalena Hasibeder, Jörg-Andreas Bötticher, Chairman Reinhard Jaud and Brett Leighton.© Stadt Innsbruck/FB

YearAward winners
  1. Alberto Gaspardo (IT)
  2. Susanna Soffiantini (IT)
  3. Giulia Ricci (IT)
    Giulio De Nardo (IT)
  1. Adriaan Hoek (NL)
  2. Frederick James (UK)
  3. not awarded
  1. Aurore Marie Mercédès Baal, (FR)
  2. Muriel Groz (FR),
    Manuel Schuen, (IT)
  3. not awarded
  1. not awarded
  2. Charlotte Marchandise (FR),
    Martin Riccabona (Hall i. T.)
  3. Deniel Perer (IT), Adrien Pièce (CH)
  1. not awarded
  2. Oren Kirschenbaum (IL)
    Manuel Tomadin (IT)
  3. Magdalena Hasibeder (Linz)
  1. Mirco Ballico (IT)
  2. not awarded
  3. Anne-Gaëlle Chanon (FR)
    Magdalena Malec (PL)
    Andrea Vannucchi (IT)