Property tax

If you are the owner of a property in Innsbruck, you have to pay a property tax for it.

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The property tax assessment notices are issued by the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Property tax.. of the city of Innsbruck.

How is the property tax calculated?

The real estate tax assessment is based on the assessment of the assessed value and the assessment of the real estate tax (= basic assessment) of the tax office. In this notice, the tax office calculates, among other things, the value of the property according to the valuation law. If the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Property tax.. receives these documents, it issues the real estate tax assessment. The real estate tax is calculated on the basis of the assessed amount of the real estate tax * 500%.

When is the real estate tax assessment issued?

The tax assessment is valid until a new one is issued. A new property tax assessment can be issued only after the tax office has determined the value of the property. If the owner of the property changes, the property tax assessment remains valid until a new one can be issued. It is therefore possible that the previous owner will continue to pay the property tax and will receive a credit for the payments when the new property tax assessment is determined, while the new owner will have to make an additional payment at that time.

Who are my contacts for property tax?

How can I apply for the property tax exemption?

You can apply for a temporary property tax exemption here: