Service for physicians & health care professionals

Important links and information for physicians in private practice and health care professionals in Innsbruck

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Infectious Diseases

In the event of suspected cases, cases of illness or death from a notifiable communicable disease, please send us the completed notification form in accordance with the Epidemics Act.

Narcotic vignettes

The narcotic vignettes as well as the (green) substitution certificates can be ordered by sending an e-mail to the Service Unit Healthcare order.

Mother-Child Passports

Mother-child passports can be picked up directly at Service Unit Healthcare pick up.

Vaccination cards & vaccination schedule

Medical treatment certificate

For death notification you can download the form here.

Registering freelance health care professions

Where do I have to register my freelance health profession?

  • If you work mainly as a freelancer , you usually have to register your freelance health profession via the health professional register. This includes the following professions: certified nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, dietician, biomedical analyst, radiology technologist and orthoptist.
  • If you are predominantly employed as a salaried employee , please contact the Chamber of Labor Tyrol for registration.
  • You can also find out more about these professions in the brochure "Health Professions in Austria 2020" published by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
  • Exceptions to this are, among others, therapeutic masseurs. These register with the district administrative authority in whose local jurisdiction their professional domicile is located. If your professional domicile is in the city of Innsbruck, the Referat Grundverkehr is responsible. You can register using the form or in person at the Department of Real Estate Transactions (appointment required).

As a self-employed professional, you can claim an exemption from fees when you take up freelance work for the first time using the NeuFöG declaration form.

What has to be done when changing or leaving the professional domicile?

  • If you change your professional domicile in or to Innsbruck as a therapeutic masseur, please report this to the Referat Grundverkehr using the form.
  • If you move your professional domicile outside Innsbruck, please report the new professional domicile to the competent district administration. They will then inform the previous competent authority.
  • Please also use the form to notify the Department of Real Estate Referat Grundverkehr as the competent authority of the cessation of your professional domicile and the simultaneous termination of your professional activity.

Online form for the transmission of documents

This contact form can be used to send documents from medical practices, pharmacies, funeral parlors, etc. Please complete the form in full and ensure that the file does not exceed a maximum size of 20 MB: