Projects & Urban Development

In addition to selected building projects in the city of Innsbruck, studies and concepts for forward-looking urban development are also presented here.

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Selected construction projects in the city of Innsbruck

Here you can find articles about selected construction projects in the city of Innsbruck:

Projects with architectural competitions

Get information about projects with architectural competitions. Use the filter to select projects from Innsbruck.

Studies & Concepts

In addition to forward-looking spatial planning, studies are a prerequisite for well thought-out and orderly urban development. They show development trends and goals and prepare strategic decisions , which in turn feed into local spatial planning (e.g. studies on protected zones, high-rise studies, retail studies, spatial development studies, ...).

Location offensive Roßau

Rossau location forum

© V. Schalk

Since spring 2022, the largest commercial and industrial area in western Austria has been made fit for the future in close cooperation with Service Unit Economy and tourism and an external team of experts led by the Viennese office RAUMPOSITION. Through an integrated planning approach, topics such as mobility, energy and site development are being developed jointly and interlinked.

What can an existing business park look like in the future? What qualities does an attractive working environment need? How can mobility function in the future? All of these questions and many other aspects are to be explored in more detail with the broad participation of entrepreneurs, employees and magiinternal specialists as well as interested parties during excursions, workshops, surveys and a wide range of information events.

The aim is to present a development strategy for Roßau at the end of the two-year process, which should lay the foundations for the business park of the future. However, short, medium and long-term solutions are also to be developed during the project phase.

In order to provide the best possible support for the implementation of these measures, a district management team will be set up directly in Roßau as a 'caretaker office'. Similar to the existing district meetings in other parts of the city, the district management is to become the central point of contact, coordination and networking for Roßau - with a focus on the economic development of the location. The plan is to set up the pilot project, which will initially run for drei years, as a new, expanded business segment of Innsbruck Marketing GmbH (IMG).

Retail structure analysis

Retail structure analysis: local supply situation

Retail structure analysis: The local supply situation in Innsbruck, Rum and Völs (overall view)

Retail structure analysis: local supply situation

Retail structure analysis: The local supply situation in Innsbruck, Rum and Völs (overall view)

Since fall 2020, the updated, superordinate retail structure analysis for the location area of Innsbruck, Rum and Völs has been available to the city of Innsbruck. The order was placed jointly by the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce and the City of Innsbruck. The aim is to continue the time series started in 2002 and thus to obtain a monitoring of the various changes in the retail sector in a long-term view. For example, the intensified supra-local competition, the growing importance of online retailing for consumers, population growth, the change of product range in certain business locations, expansion efforts of shopping centers, etc. are considered. The results are to be used to document changes in the retail landscape and to create a sound, updated basis for further decisions on retail developments in relation to Innsbruck as a location.

Inventory Climate Innsbruck & City Climate Modeling Innsbruck

You can find more about all climate-related studies and projects under Climate Projects.

Student housing in Innsbruck 2019

Viele Studenten sitzen auf der Mauer beim Inn und genießen die Sonnenstrahlen.

© Tourismusverband Innsbruck und seine Feriendörfer

Viele Studenten sitzen auf der Mauer beim Inn und genießen die Sonnenstrahlen.

© Tourismusverband Innsbruck und seine Feriendörfer

Students account for a high proportion of Innsbruck's total population and are therefore of great importance for the Innsbruck housing market. The City Department Urban planning, mobility and integration therefore dealt with student housing in a study. The focus was on a current inventory, a needs analysis and suitable locations for attractive affordable forms of housing.

The results and recommendations of this study are to form the basis for future investments by public institutions in new student housing. The goal is to relieve the rental and housing market in Innsbruck.

Hotel study 2017

Hotel study Innsbruck: Graphic sights

Visitor statistics for selected sights in Innsbruck.© Stadt Innsbruck - Statistik und Berichtswesen

Hotel study Innsbruck: Graphic sights

Visitor statistics for selected sights in Innsbruck.© Stadt Innsbruck - Statistik und Berichtswesen

Already in 2005/06 there was a market and potential analysis of the hotel and accommodation market (in short: hotel study). in 2017, the study was revised by CONOS GmbH. The study was commissioned by the City Department Urban planning, mobility and integration.. and by Service Unit Economy and tourism

The study shows the current situation at the hotel location Innsbruck, it analyzes essential trends, tendencies and developments in the national as well as international hotel industry and gives an estimation of the potential of the hotel and accommodation market Innsbruck on the basis of current market developments.

Cooperative planning procedure Hötting West, Kranebitten and Harterhofplateau

Development study: Hötting-West, Kranebitten, Harterhofplateau

Development study: Hötting-West, Kranebitten, Harterhof plateau (map from above)

in 2014, a team of experts developed potential development areas and various possible uses for the Hötting West, Kranebitten and Harterhofplateau areas and presented them to citizens. On August 10, 2016, the City Senate took approving note of the result of the concretizing plans for the so-called "development area 1" (the areas on the valley floor west of the university and on the southern Harterhof plateau). As a result, the city politicians, the commissioned team of experts and the municipal departments provided information on the details of the planned development on October 6, 2016 at the Kolpinghaus Hötting-West. In an exhibition on the topics of urban development, open space, urban water engineering and nature conservation, as well as traffic, the approximately 220 visitors were then able to obtain further information in a direct exchange and to submit suggestions, wishes or criticism in writing.