Hilde Zach art scholarships

To promote the Innsbruck art scene, the city of Innsbruck awards two scholarships in the field of fine arts every year.

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Endowment: 7,000 & 3,000 euros

  • Art scholarship: 7,000 euros
  • Art scholar ship: 3,000 euros

The total funding amount of 10,000 euros is divided into a large grant and a grant. This division ensures that both established visual artists from the local scene and young talents are supported.

What is supported?

The Hilde-Zach art scholarships support visual artists in Innsbruck, giving them the opportunity to devote themselves intensively to their artistic work.

Who awards the scholarship?

City of Innsbruck

How do I apply?

You can submit your documents via the platform: kultur-innsbruck.vemap.com.

The current submission period runs from April 2 to July 15, 2024 - 5 p.m.

You can find step-by-step instructions for submission here.

Who can apply?

Artists who were

  • were born in Tyrol or
  • live in Innsbruck and
  • are permanently and creatively active as artists in Innsbruck and
  • are of age (at least 18 years old).

The following also applies to the scholarship:

  • By 31.12. of the previous year of the award, the 35th year of age must not have been exceeded.

What can be submitted?

  • Drawing/Graphics
  • Painting
  • Sculpture/Installation
  • New Media/Photography
  • Art on building/architecture

cross-disciplinary submissions are also possible.

Which documents are required?

The following documents in German and in pdf format are required for submission on kultur-innsbruck.vemap.com:

  • completed data sheet (available online on Vemap )
  • Scan of the birth certificate OR
  • Scan of the current registration form from the year of submission if you were not born in Tyrol
  • current work portfolio (max. 30 A4 pages) with the following content:
    • Short curriculum vitae of the applicant
    • Brief description of the works or the artistic work of the artist
    • representative illustrations/photos of the artist's current works or artistic work

Who decides on the award?

The selection of the fellows is made by a three-member jury of experts, which changes annually and whose members consist of visual artists and representatives of the fields of art education, art theory and exhibitions.

Previous scholarship holders

Auf dem Foto sieht man vier Personen in formeller Kleidung im Rathaus: Vizebürgermeister Georg Willi, die Hauptpreisträgerin Sarah Decristoforo mit Urkunde in der Hand, der Förderpreisträger Sebastian Köck mit Urkunde in der Hand und Natalie Pedevilla (Referat Bildende Kunst und Kulturprojekte)

Deputy Mayor Georg Willi and Natalie Pedevilla (Department of Fine Arts and Cultural Projects, right) congratulated Sarah Decristoforo and Sebastian Köck on the Hilde-Zach Art Scholarships 2024.© Stadt Innsbruck/AS

Auf dem Foto sieht man vier Personen in formeller Kleidung im Rathaus: Vizebürgermeister Georg Willi, die Hauptpreisträgerin Sarah Decristoforo mit Urkunde in der Hand, der Förderpreisträger Sebastian Köck mit Urkunde in der Hand und Natalie Pedevilla (Referat Bildende Kunst und Kulturprojekte)

Deputy Mayor Georg Willi and Natalie Pedevilla (Department of Fine Arts and Cultural Projects, right) congratulated Sarah Decristoforo and Sebastian Köck on the Hilde-Zach Art Scholarships 2024.© Stadt Innsbruck/AS

YearArt scholarshipArt scholarship
2024Sarah DecristoforoSebastian Köck
2023Lucas NorerAnna Lerchbaumer
2022Benjamin ZanonSophia Mairer
2021Judith KlemencClemens Sellaoui
2020Katharina CibulkaJanine Weger
2019Annja KrautgasserMatthias Noggler
2018Johanna TinzlLukas Thaler
2017Michael StrasserSarah Decristoforo
2016Barbara HuberEsther Strauss
2015Bernd OpplAndrea Lüth
2014Nikolaus SchlettererValerie Messini