Slam Poetry Prize

The award recognizes outstanding achievements in the genre of slam poetry and promotes the further development of the slam poetry scene in Tyrol.

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Endowment: 2.500 & 1.000 Euro

Appreciation award: 2.500 Euro

Promotion Award: 1.000 Euro

The appreciation prize serves to honor an overall work in the field of slam poetry, which also includes scene work. The advancement award is given to a new, emerging voice in the field of slam poetry.

What is promoted?

The prizes are only awarded to personalities with Tyrolean origin and/or center of life, who enrich the Tyrolean Slam Poetry scene.

Who awards the prize?

The Appreciation Prize and the Promotion Prize are awarded annually, alternately by the Province of Tyrol and the City of Innsbruck.

How do I apply?

An application is not necessary. The award is made on the recommendation of a jury of experts. A prize can only be awarded to a person once.

Who decides on the award?

The prizes are awarded on the recommendation of a jury appointed by the Province of Tyrol and the City of Innsbruck. This jury is appointed for a period of three years. The jury first draws up a shortlist of three for both categories and then selects one prize winner per category. The awarding of the prize is the responsibility of the member of the Tyrolean provincial government responsible for cultural affairs or of the City Senate of the City of Innsbruck.

Previous award winners

Poetry Slam 2022 award ceremony

Member of Parliament Iris Zangerl-Walser, 2022 sponsorship award winner Laura Hybner, 2022 poetry slam award winner Silke Gruber, City Councillor for Culture Uschi Schwarzl, 2021 sponsorship award winner Tamara Stocker, City Councillor Elisabeth Mayr and Head of the Department of Culture Isabelle Brandauer (from left to right) at the 2022 poetry slam award ceremony.© Stadt Innsbruck/FB

YearAppreciation AwardPromotion Award
2022Silke GruberLaura Hybner
2021Martin FritzTamara Stocker
2020Stefan AbermannRoswitha Matt