Youth Centers

Eleven youth centers, outreach youth work and a platform for "open youth work" exist in Innsbruck.

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What youth centers are there in Innsbruck?

There are six municipal and five private youth centers in Innsbruck.

Municipal youth centers

The municipal youth centers are supervised by the ISD.

Is there also outreach youth work?

Streetwork z6 offers street social work for young people from 12 to 21 years in the city area of Innsbruck.

What is the "Open Youth Work Innsbruck" (OJA)?

The Open Youth Work (OJA) Innsbruck is a network that optimizes the cooperation between Innsbruck's youth centers. It was established in 2011 and meets at regular intervals. Through this platform of mutual exchange of information and experience, joint projects can be efficiently coordinated and implemented.

Who is a member of the OJA?

The members of the network OJA Innsbruck are the Service Unit Women and generations as well as the Lade Text Service Unit Citizen participation.. of the city of Innsbruck, the Platform Open Youth Work Tyrol (POJAT), the youth department of the deanery of Innsbruck and the representatives of the municipal as well as the private youth centers in Innsbruck.