
A happy coexistence between humans and animals in urban areas.

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Since summer 2022, Innsbruck has a wildlife officer of the city of Innsbruck, who deals with issues related to wildlife in the city.

What is the wildlife officer responsible for?

In addition to advising, educating and mediating our citizens on wildlife issues, he is responsible for species protection measures and wildlife monitoring in the urban area. This involves the systematic recording of a wide variety of wild animals.

When do I contact the wildlife officer?

Do you want to provide shelter for songbirds?
Do you want to help wild bees?
Have you spotted a badger or fox in your garden?
Are you bothered by pigeons on your balcony?

If you have these or similar questions, please contact Service Unit Veterinary - Wildlife

If you have found injured or dead animals, please contact the loading text Service Unit Veterinary - Wasenmeisterei

If you have any concerns about farm animals or pets, please contact Service Unit Veterinary

What should I do if I encounter a wolf?

In the event of an encounter with a wolf, you can find information and tips from the province of Tyrol here. You also have the opportunity to report the sighting of a wolf.

What should I do if I see a non-native mosquito?

As it has been getting warmer in recent years, new species of mosquitoes are coming to Innsbruck. Native mosquitoes are normally active at dusk and should not be visible during the day. If you do see one, it may be a tiger mosquito(Aedes albopictus), for example.

Help to monitor the spread of tiger mosquitoes. Findings of possible tiger mosquitoes can be reported with a photo via the Mosquito Alert app.


Opening hours

by appointment

Monday to Thursday:
