Lost Property Service

You have lost or found something or need to report a loss? Then the lost property service of the city of Innsbruck is the right place for you.

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In the Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service - Lost Property Service.. you can:

I have lost something, what can I do?

At www.fundamt .gv.at you can search for lost items online throughout Austria.

You can ask the Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service - Lost Property Service.. of the city of Innsbruck if something has been found and pick up lost property there.

Around the clock, you can also call 0900 600 200 to report your loss (chargeable max. € 1.36/min.). This call center also makes searches itself.

I have found something, what are my obligations?

As a finder, you are obligated to report a find worth more than ten euros to Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service - Lost Property Service.. and to provide information about all circumstances relevant to the search for a lost property. When the lost property office is closed, you can hand in your lost property at the Bürgerservice.

Can I keep the lost property if the owner is not found?

The finder can take over the item if the owner cannot be traced after one year.

Do I get a finder's reward?

The finder has the right to receive a finder's reward from the person who lost the item:

  • lost property:
    • 10 % for a value of up to 2,000 euros
    • 5 % for a value of more than 2,000 euros
    • A thing is considered lost if it comes out of the holder's control without the holder's will and does not come into the sphere of influence of another person.
    • Example: a purse is lost on the street
  • forgotten things:
    • 5 % for a value up to 2,000 euros
    • 2.5 % for a value over 2,000 euros
    • An item is considered forgotten if it leaves the control of the owner without the owner's will, but remains in a place under the supervision of another.
    • Example: a handbag lost in a hotel

When treasure is discovered, the finder and the owner of the property are each entitled to half of the value.

Where can I get a lost property report?

The municipal lost property service issues a confirmation of the report of a loss if, for example, certificates, keys or student ID cards are involved.

Costs: A report of loss to the lost property service costs 2.10 euros in cash

The police report the loss of driver's licenses, license plates or firearms licenses, for example.


Opening hours

Monday - Friday:

Monday to Thursday:
8.00-12.00 and 13.30-16.00
