Höhenflüge und Abgründe
Time - Space - Innsbruck: Volume 16
The contributions of the 16th volume of the series of publications of the Innsbruck City Archives
Hansjörg Rabanser: "In deepest gratitude we commemorate..." - The Gutenberg Celebration 1900 in Innsbruck
Tanja Chraust: Raoul Stoisavljevic - Pioneer of Innsbruck Aviation
Matthias Egger: "The state of health of our camp left much to be desired." - An analysis of the death list of the Krasnoyarsk POW camp 1914-1919
Stefan Dietrich: Fatal Encounter with Hitler? The Tragedy of Dr. Rudolf Priester - on the Traces of a Rumor that Moved Innsbruck(e)
Sabine Pitscheider: The construction of the Patscherkofelbahn 1927/28 - a financial scandal
Günter Amor: The Goethe Trail. A ridge walk on the Innsbrucker Nordkette in the change of the time - A documentation
Anton Tantner: Michael Hermann Ambros and the Innsbrucker Fragamt. A Miscellany on the History of Seeking and Finding in Tyrol
Lukas Morscher: "G'waltwolferl" - The case of Wolfgang Fischbacher
Hanna Fritz: "Innsbruck inns - they once stood ..." Gasthof schöne Aussicht (Stettnerhof)
Authors | Hansjörg Rabanser, Tanja Chraust, Matthias Egger, Stefan Dietrich, Sabine Pitscheider, Günter Amor, Anton Tantner, Lukas Morscher, Hanna Fritz |
Series | Zeit - Raum - Innsbruck |
Volume | 16 |
Pages Count | 240 |
Release Date | 2023 |
ISBN | 978-3-7030-6559-0 |
Publisher | Wagner |