Straßenbahnen, Busse und Seilbahnen von Innsbruck
29,90 €
From the construction of the Innsbruck-Hall local railroad in 1890 to the new construction of the Hungerburg and Nordkettenbahn and the ground-breaking ceremony for the new regional railroad: the comprehensively updated new edition of Walter Kreutz's standard work, supplemented by numerous new pictures, provides a detailed and richly illustrated overview of the history of Innsbruck's streetcars, buses and cable cars: a unique document of the development of local public transport with technical data, carriage plans and numerous previously unpublished pictures from Walter Kreutz's collection. |
Authors | Walter Kreutz |
Series | Neue Folge |
Volume | 44 |
Pages Count | 400 |
Release Date | 2011 |
ISBN | 978-3-85218-649-8 |
Publisher | Haymon |