Bathroom remodeling for seniors

The city of Innsbruck promotes the conversion of wet rooms for senior citizens and people with limited mobility.

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What is supported?

The municipality of Innsbruck supports the conversion of bathrooms for senior citizens and people with disabilities in Innsbruck if they are permanently restricted in their mobility. The aim is to enable these people to live in their own four walls for as long as possible.

The following are specifically funded

  • Installation of a shower in accordance with the technical guidelines (threshold-free access, minimum size) including shower walls/partitions, grab rails and folding seat.
  • Inlet and outlet pipes including completion of the shower.
  • Any necessary relocation work on existing sanitary equipment such as boiler, washbasin.
  • Tiling work (pro rata) including moisture protection
  • Accompanying necessary structural measures (e.g. demolition and disposal of an existing bathtub)
  • Any relocation work required for the electrical installation

How much is the grant?

The one-off grant amounts to 35% of the eligible total construction costs, but a maximum of EUR 3,500 for the conversion of the wet room.

How long is the funding available?

As of January 1, 2022, the municipal stimulus grant "Conversion of wet rooms suitable for senior citizens" was approved for a period of five years until December 31, 2026 , subject to available funding.

Which requirements do I have to fulfill?

You can apply for the one-time subsidy from the City of Innsbruck if you:

  • occupy an existing apartment in Innsbruck with main residence. (rent or own)
  • receive a subsidy from the province of Tyrol.
  • have the Innsbruck Senior Citizen's Card or the Disabled Citizen's Card (due to permanently limited mobility).
  • comply with the municipal technical guidelines.
  • The invoice receipts must not be older than 18 months at the time of application.

Application: Where & When do I apply for funding?

You must submit the application no later than 18 months after completion of the project in the Service Unit Housing subsidy. using the form - see required documents.

What documents do I need for the application?

  • Application for bathroom remodeling for seniors
  • Invoices and proof of payment (original or copy)
  • All permits required for the implementation of the measures
  • Confirmation of acceptance


Opening hours

Monday through Friday:
8.00-11.30 and by appointment

Monday to Friday:
