Forest School Innsbruck

The first municipal forest school in Innsbruck. A place to learn about nature in nature.

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What does the Forest School offer?

At the Innsbruck Forest School, Innsbruck's compulsory schools can teach their pupils about the importance of the forest and raise environmental awareness. The forest classroom can be booked by schools as an extracurricular place of learning both as part of educational offers and for self-organized lessons.

The Forest School Innsbruck offers a unique learning environment in which pupils can recognize the importance of the forest and acquire practical skills to actively contribute to the protection and sustainable use of the forest. In addition, the relationship to flora and fauna is to be actively integrated into school lessons.

What are the aims of the Forest School?

The aim of the Innsbruck Forest School is to combine education, closeness to nature and sustainability. A comprehensive education helps to understand nature and makes people aware of how the environment, economy and society are connected. This teaches pupils to think holistically and act responsibly so that they are equipped for the future.

A visit to the forest school can be seamlessly integrated into lessons, as the forest as a learning environment offers the ideal space for skills-oriented teaching in line with the curriculum.

Where is the forest school located?

Ein überdachtes Waldklassenzimmer mit einer Holzkonstruktion in Form eines Blattes und einer Tribüne mit Sitzstufen neben einer Holzhütte im Wald

The forest school is located on the municipal Erlerwiese in Innsbruck's Mühlau district.© Stadt Innsbruck/RK

Here you will find a link to the Waldschule Innsbruck in the city map:

Who can use the forest school?

The covered forest classroom with a wooden construction in the shape of a leaf and a grandstand with seating steps as well as a wood and clay container for storing teaching materials is available to municipal schools on an hourly or daily basis. For more information, please contact the City Department Forest and nature

The forest school is free of charge for Innsbruck's compulsory schools and the costs are covered by the City of Innsbruck. The construction of the forest school was funded by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, the Province of Tyrol and the European Union.

Who are the partners of the Forest School?

The City of Innsbruck's City Department Forest and nature aims to give pupils the opportunity to learn draoutside in nature, to move around freely, play, discover new things and feel nature and themselves as part of it. Other partners of the forest school are

The teachers at the Forest School are people who care about the forest and work in it: Forest workers, botanists, biologists, forest educators, foresters, hunters and rangers.


Opening hours

Monday - Friday:
8.00-12.00 and by appointment

Monday - Thursday:
